Easy New Year Detox Smoothie Recipes

These detoxifying, healthy smoothies are super delicious and a great way to stay on track with your personal goals in the New Year!
They're super easy to take on-the-go, especially while doing our 30 Day Detox! If you're craving something sweet, they will definitely curb that craving while fueling your body with super healthy fruits & veggies- which you can have unlimited amounts of during your detox!
So what better way to get your fruit & veggies in than to throw them all into a delicious, energy fueling smoothie?! Make these quick and easy smoothies for breakfast, a post-workout snack, or to fulfill those sugary cravings! We think you're really going to love them- we sure do!
Strawberry Sunrise
1 cup water
1 cup strawberries
1 beet (peeled/cooked)
2 tbsp Chia Seeds
1/2 an avocado
1 cup milk of choice
1 banana
1 small orange
1 carrot
1 inch fresh ginger
1/2 tsp turmeric
Lean Green
3/4 cup water
1 banana
1/3 cup pineapple
1 handful spinach
1/4 tsp wheat grass
1 tbsp Teami Matcha
Handful of ice cubes
We want to see your re-creations of these smoothies so we can re-post you on our page! Make sure to use #teamirecipe so we can see it! Don't forget to check out our 30 Day Detox Program so you feel your happiest, healthiest YOU!
Love these smoothie recipes and want to find out what other delicious foods you can eat on while doing our 30 Day Detox? You check out a list of our detox approved foods here!
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I got a lot of lavender so so good for water and tea