Diet Trends You Need to Know

You can’t even go 24 hours without running into someone who is on a diet, talking about going on a diet, or sharing success (or failure) stories about their dieting experience.
If you’re looking to lose weight there must be a path that would work for you, right? But wading through all the information out there can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed.
If you’d like to know some of the latest trends in dieting, as well as some classic staples, without doing the legwork, then this article is for you.
This article won’t necessarily help you decide on the right diet, but it will help you understand what’s out there so you can make an informed choice.
1. Detox/Cleanse Juice Diets
Juice diets can be controversial, but with the help of your doctor, you can find one that works for you.
Cleanses can help if you feel bloated or sluggish, have trouble with caffeine or junk food dependency, or even if your skin is breaking out. The idea is to eliminate toxins from your body, which will benefit your entire system, inside and out.
Juice cleanse diets are not expected to produce long lasting weight loss results, but they are a good start to shift you away from bad habits and help you begin healthier eating after your cleanse.
2. Paleo + Keto Diet
The Paleo Diet is based on foods that were believed to be available to humans who lived in the Paleolithic Age. It’s a relatively low carb diet and is in many ways similar to the Atkins and South Beach Diets.
There are a few main principles that most people on a Paleo diet can agree on: only eat foods that can be picked or hunted in nature, avoid foods that cannot be eaten raw, and try to choose meat from animals that have been fed their natural food (Ex: grass fed beef).
The Paleo Diet has proven to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. It also helps to reduce the need for diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure medications.
This diet would be a great basis for doing a tea detox like our 30 Day Detox Pack! With a good diet, you will get amazing results!

3. Clean Eating Diets
While many diets center around more or less of certain types of food (Ex: less carbs), clean eating is simply about eating whole foods- minimally processed and refined. Foods that are nearest to their natural form.
It’s not a surprise that eating whole foods has been linked to good health. Diets full of veggies and fruits can be linked to everything from disease prevention to shiny hair. The difficulties are obvious- it’s hard to find foods that haven’t been processed in some form. However, with a little planning and creativity, clean eating is a doable path.
4. Meal Delivery Diets
All can agree that if you are going to diet, you will need to curb the amount of eating outside the home. Taking control of what you eat will involve preparing much of your own food.
In this day and age it is harder and harder to find the time to make dinner at home after a long day of work, school, and various activities. Diets that offer meal delivery can help bridge the gap between the inability to prepare all meals at home and the desire to diet.
There are numerous programs that offer different amounts of food for a monthly cost and they are conveniently delivered right to your door.

5. DASH Diet
DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Started as a way to reduce blood pressure, it was soon discovered that DASH was also a great way to lose weight.
It is meant to be a long term approach to eat healthy by emphasizing portion size, getting the right amount of nutrients, and eating a variety of foods. It is laid out in the NY Times best selling book, “The Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution: 2 Weeks to Drop Pounds, Boost Metabolism, and Get Healthy” by Marla Heller.
DASH claims to be “grounded in healthy eating principles that lower blood pressure; reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer; and support reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.”

Adi Arezzini
Teami Blends - Co-Founder + CEO
Certified Nutrition Health Coach
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