Why is My Nose Peeling? 7 Reasons and What to Do About It

Human skin is a fascinating organ forged from proteins and nutrients readily available when developing in the womb. While it is the largest organ in our bodies and responsible for shielding our more sensitive organs from the elements, it is surprisingly fragile. We rely on our skin for protection and also treat it as one of the main signs of our appearance since it is one of the first things people see.
This makes our skin a unique organ with health and cosmetic benefits, making it one of the most important organs. Unfortunately, our skin's constant exposure to the elements makes it particularly vulnerable to damage and flaws that can impact its cosmetic appeal.
One of the main issues we see with skin is peeling due to the skin drying out. Dry skin is a common issue that can affect anyone depending on the quality and care of their skin. Dry skin eventually peels as our bodies repair the dermal layer under the dried layer it is trying to shed. Unfortunately, when our skin peels, we do not shed it properly since we are not reptiles.
When peeling begins, it can be irritating enough that we are tempted to pull it off ourselves, but this could damage the new layer beneath the dry skin. This phenomenon is especially prevalent around the nose since it is our body's most commonly exposed section. Several factors can cause dry skin, but not everyone knows what those are or what to do about them.
#1: Environmental Factors
Despite existing to shield us from the elements and protect our internal organs, our skin is shockingly susceptible to environmental factors. Certain climates and weather conditions can strain our skin's natural hydration and compromise its integrity.
The most common environmental conditions that can impact the integrity of our skin are cold or windy locales. The cold can freeze the natural moisture on our skin, and the wind can batter it until it fades away. Low-humidity environments are equally dangerous for our skin's moisture since there is less moisture in the air to keep our skin healthy. Unfortunately, monitoring the climate around our homes is more difficult since the planet's climate is shifting due to human influence.
Nevertheless, exposure to these environmental factors can dry out the skin around our nose and cause it to peel. Our noses are especially vulnerable to temperature and other environmental factors. As a result, the skin around our nose is particularly fragile and likely to suffer the consequences of environmental exposure.
#2: Chlorine Exposure
One of the most common chemicals we are exposed to is chlorine, a critical component of maintaining swimming pools. Going for a dip in a swimming pool is a common pastime since it is relaxing and excellent exercise. Unfortunately, the chlorine in swimming pools is very hard on human skin and can dry out our skin at an accelerated rate.
This is because chlorine irritates the skin and strips away the oil that keeps our skin hydrated. Without those oils, our skin becomes brittle and peels to make way for a more hydrated layer. This might seem like a reason to avoid swimming pools entirely, but there is nothing wrong with taking the occasional dip. You need to ensure you do not overexpose yourself to chlorine and ensure the pool you use has an acceptable chlorine level.
Once again, our noses are especially vulnerable to chlorine since it can flow into our noses whenever our heads are underwater. Fortunately, inhaling chlorine by mistake does not affect the skin, though it introduces more dangerous issues than dry skin. Nevertheless, chlorine can cause peeling skin around the nose.
#3: Chronic Skin Conditions
Chronically flaky skin can be a sign of an underlying skin condition that harms the health and quality of our skin. Certain skin conditions cause dry skin and, by extension, peeling skin around multiple regions of the body. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of conditions that cause this issue; some are more severe than others. One of the most common skin conditions that fit the bill is rosacea, a chronic genetic condition that affects the skin around the nose and cheeks. Its name stems from the redness it causes, but the symptoms are severe enough that it could easily explain the peeling skin around your nose.
Another applicable condition is seborrheic dermatitis which causes peeling in people with overly oily skin. Strange as it sounds, overly hydrated skin can cause it to dry out more frequently in the corners of certain body parts. Seborrheic dermatitis is a side effect of this overly hydrated skin and can cause the skin around your nose, ears, scalp, and eyebrows to peel. Chronic skin conditions are becoming more common due to constant exposure to certain environmental factors and genetic issues.
#4: Excessive Bathing
There are few things as relaxing as taking a warm shower to unwind and release the tension in our bodies after a long day. The hot water used in showers and baths is part of the relaxing effect of bathing but also has harsh consequences on our skin. The hot water and scrubbing of our body can dry out our skin and leave our skin peeling after we finish bathing. This is because the hot water naturally dries out our skin, and scrubbing our skin with body wash and towels can strip away the natural oils on our skin.
This is not to say you should stop bathing to preserve your skin's hydration, but that moderation is key. Like swimming, you should not shower or bathe multiple times daily to preserve your skin's hydration.
Most doctors recommend you only shower once a day, but 2 to 3 times a week is sufficient to stay clean and healthy. More than that could result in your skin drying out and peeling since it cannot rehydrate itself. The best way to avoid this is to subscribe to a moderate bathing schedule and not take excessive baths or showers for the sake of showering.
#5: Harsh Cleaning Products
Similar to the previous point about excessive bathing, certain cleaning products render us vulnerable to skin issues. Specifically, cleaning products that are exposed to our skin regularly via direct or indirect contact. There are several common soaps, shampoos, and laundry detergents that see extensive use across the human race. Most of these cleaning products are made with similar compounds with slight manufacturing differences.
While these differences are enough to distinguish one brand from another, the general composition remains the same. Unfortunately, these compounds have unfortunate consequences on our skin's hydration and health since the soap can dry out the skin. Similarly, certain detergents used to clean clothes leave traces that wear away at the natural oils on our skin.
Soap and detergents are designed to remove certain compounds and substances to promote a sterile surface. Using overly powerful soaps and detergents can cause them to purge the oils on your skin. Whether using them to wash your face or clean your shirts, your nose will be exposed, and the skin around it will dry out. As a result, there will be peeling caused by the dryness.
#6: Aging
Another cause of dry skin is harder to escape than any other because it is a naturally occurring process in virtually all organic life. As we age, our body uses more of the natural resources that fuel our bodily functions and maintain our body parts. Unfortunately, our ability to produce more of these resources diminishes over time. Eventually, we do not have enough to maintain our bodies as we could in our youth.
Among the biological resources our bodies lose over time is the collagen that we use throughout our lives to rejuvenate and rehydrate our skin. This lost collagen causes our skin to show signs of age, like wrinkles, but it also causes our body's oil production to falter. As a result, our skin dries out, peeling becomes more common around the nose, and these oils are diminished anywhere else.
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to escape the aging process, which means we cannot prevent age from affecting our bodies. Therefore, the only recourse we have when age affects our skin quality is to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. However, we will discuss that a little later.
#7: Genetics
We are a product of our parents and their genetic compositions and are subject to several of the same physical and biological conditions. Usually, we view genetics as determining our hair color or height range, but it goes far deeper. Our genetic composition determines how our bodies function by adopting certain genetic features from our parents' DNA. While we are still distinct from our parents, we will likely adopt certain characteristics we do not want.
Among the genetic factors that we inherit is our skin type. Skin type refers to the level of natural hydration our skin produces. Some people have extremely oily skin that overhydrates and leads to blemishes, whereas others have extremely dry skin that is prone to cracking. People with naturally dry skin are more likely to experience peeling skin, especially around the face, because the skin struggles to get the hydration it needs.
Unfortunately, naturally dry skin is a common issue since it is genetically passed down from parents with the same skin type. Even if it is not inherited, it remains a common skin type for otherwise unrelated individuals. Fortunately, this genetic issue is not severe and can be overcome with the right resources, which brings us to the question of how we can treat peeling skin around the nose or other body parts.
What to do About Peeling Skin
Dry skin is, ultimately, the main cause of peeling skin regardless of where on the body the peeling occurs. When the skin around your nose dries out, it can be more difficult to correct than we might hope, especially since it is such a common issue. Fortunately, there are ways to counter dry skin by rehydrating it with certain substances and compounds designed to accomplish that goal.
Interestingly, the best substance for dry skin repair is something you have likely used before. Aloe vera is a common tool used to treat sunburns but can help counteract dry skin. Aloe vera products are composed of compounds known to rehydrate and soothe skin. Moisturizing the skin helps revitalize it and protects against peeling, though you must develop a consistent routine.
Aloe vera products can help keep your skin moisturized and counteract peeling caused by overly hydrated skin. Aside from moisturizing your skin, you should follow the tips outlined in the other sections. However, the next question you have to ask is where you can get a viable moisturizing product to protect your skin.
Finding the Right Blend
Skincare is a complicated process since our skin is the first line of defense against environmental hazards. As a result, identifying what is causing skin trouble can be a little more challenging than you might expect since there are many potential causes. Usually, when your skin begins to peel, it is because of dry skin, and moisturizing is the best course of action to restore your skin's health. While it might take time for the results to manifest, moisturizing is extremely effective, and aloe vera is the best natural moisturizer you can use. The question is where to find an effective aloe vera product to moisturize your skin.
We at Teami believe that natural products are the best tools for preserving health and beauty, and that sentiment extends to skincare. Fortunately, we can offer our specialized Gentle Superfood Liquid Cleanser to administer aloe vera to your nose and the rest of your face. Our product contains enough aloe vera to fully moisturize your skin and purge any contaminants that might compromise your skin's health. It is extremely easy to use and can be the tool you need to counter the peeling around your nose. We encourage you to visit our website and try our products for yourself. After all, finding the right blend is a Teami effort!
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