What Are the Best Skin Products For Broken Blood Vessels?

Taking pride in your appearance is understandable, especially since many of our population put significant stock into our appearance. Unfortunately, maintaining our appearance can be more difficult than we would like considering we are susceptible to multiple blemishes. We are forced to endure issues like acne or similar blemishes throughout our lives due to hormonal surges and contaminants.
These blemishes can be frustrating, but they are harmless beyond cosmetic concerns. Most blemishes can be resolved without much trouble, though genetically induced acne or marks are less susceptible to traditional treatment. The real challenge is addressing blemishes not on the skin but under it, which is becoming a common issue for hundreds of people.
As strange as it might sound, the subdermal layers of the skin can cause blemishes that can be seen on the skin. The main concern is the veins that spread across our skin and transport blood from one part of our body to another. Our veins are essentially highways that transport plasma and blood cells to the sections of our bodies where they are needed.
Unfortunately, just because our blood vessels are responsible for such important tasks does not render them immune to damage. Broken blood vessels can cause visual blemishes on the skin that are unpleasant for the person with the issue. Dealing with broken blood vessels might seem impossible, but certain skincare routines might reduce the severity of the blemishes they cause.
What Causes Broken Blood Vessels?
Broken blood vessels are a more common issue than people realize and can cause serious skin blemishes depending on severity. The phrase "broken blood vessel" can be frightening to some since the idea of an internal body part breaking is usually serious. Fortunately, broken blood vessels are seldom major health concerns and are usually minor injuries that heal independently. The problem is that broken blood vessels can generate unpleasant cosmetic symptoms.
While broken blood vessels are more common than people know, they are still rare enough that not everyone knows what it means or what causes the issue. Understanding what a broken blood vessel is and how it affects you is critical to overcoming its effects and ensuring it does not alter your appearance permanently. Blood vessels are another term for veins and are the tubes through which our blood circulates the body. Without blood vessels, our bodies would cease to function since our organs would not receive the blood they need.
When a blood vessel breaks, the blood traveling through it leaks into the rest of the body and causes pain and discoloration in the area where the vessel was located. In the strictest sense, a broken blood vessel is a type of internal bleeding that varies in severity but is generally harmless. The severity of a broken blood vessel depends on the underlying cause, but those caused by severe traumatic injury present the largest threat to your health.
Fortunately, most other causes present little to no threat to your overall health and are issues that either resolve themselves or can be easily treated. Insofar as the less severe causes of broken blood vessels are concerned, the main issue is ensuring the vessels do not radically affect your physical appearance.
The most common causes of broken blood vessels are:
- Allergic Reactions
- Bruises
- Medication Side Effects
- Chemotherapy Side Effects
- Aging
These scenarios can lead to minor bleeds beneath the skin due to damaged blood vessels. In some circumstances, the bleed is harsh enough to cause lingering discoloration that requires skincare products to overcome. Despite being internal, a broken blood vessel can cause mild pain akin to a typical bruise, making the idea of applying skincare products undesirable.
While the pain might be mild, the skin blemishes are often hard to miss and can cause complexion issues if you do not take preventative measures. Finding the right skincare product for broken blood vessels can be challenging, especially since most dermatologists immediately direct you to pharmaceutical-grade products.
While these products have merit, they can be overwhelming for people with sensitive skin. Additionally, some people prefer to use natural skincare tools to avoid potential side effects that are more common with pharmaceutical products. The question is: what natural skincare remedies exist for broken blood vessels?
Option #1: Collagen
Collagen is a protein our bodies naturally produce in the earliest stages of development because it plays a huge role in our ability to grow specific body parts. Collagen plays a role in keratin production, which contributes to hair and nail growth, but the most important use of collagen pertains to the skin. Collagen is the primary component our bodies use to grow skin and remains a vital resource we need to repair it throughout our lives.
Our reliance on collagen is not accidental since its role in generating the largest organ in the human body makes it the ideal tool to repair it when it gets damaged. While collagen is essential to our ability to repair our skin, it has a fatal weakness that can diminish our ability to rely on our body's natural concentrations. As we age, our ability to generate more collagen is vastly reduced, and the collagen we have left breaks down much faster. As a result, we usually have precious little left by the time we turn 60, and our body is forced to prioritize actual health concerns over cosmetic issues.
The bigger issue is that we can develop collagen deficiencies regardless of age and struggle to maintain a healthy complexion. While this might have minor repercussions for our general appearance, it can make recovering from cosmetic injuries less effective. A broken blood vessel can cause the veins on our face (or the rest of our body) to become more pronounced.
Discoloration can be almost impossible to hide, but our body's healing ability makes it more likely. However, our bodies need collagen to minimize the damage, which means collagen deficiencies prevent us from reducing the intensity of the veins. Supplementing your collagen levels can help hide the discolored veins from view, but only if your collagen levels are unhealthy.
Supplements have been proven not to work when used on people whose collagen levels are where they are supposed to be. For people with deficiencies, adding extra collagen to your routine can strengthen the density and quality of your skin by enhancing the effects of retinoids in your dermis. This has the benefit of hiding the veins behind a stronger layer of skin and making the symptoms of broken blood vessels less noticeable.
Unfortunately, collagen cannot heal the damaged veins and will have to naturally occur if you want to recover. Collagen's ability to reduce the visibility of broken blood vessels is impressive, but other options can help deal with more severe symptoms that occur with larger bleeds.
Option #2: Aloe vera
Almost everyone on Earth has used Aloe vera at one point or another, though the reason for its use likely pertains to sunburns more than general skincare. Aloe vera is a powerful anti-inflammatory with an equally powerful cooling effect, making it the perfect tool for sunburns.
The compounds found in Aloe vera plants are highly effective for soothing the sting of a sunburn while rehydrating your skin so it does not suffer excess dryness from sun exposure. While Aloe vera products have earned their reputation from these benefits, other reasons exist for their ascent to popularity. Aloe vera is full of nutrients and compounds that specialize in repairing the body and restoring our health to nominal levels. While there are limits to what Aloe vera can accomplish, it does have a place to treat the effects of broken blood vessels.
We mentioned before that a broken blood vessel involves internal bleeding, which can discolor patches of skin in the same way a bruise does. This discoloration adds red or purple marks to an otherwise normal complexion and can be very difficult to overlook. Fortunately, evidence suggests that Aloe vera can mitigate the discoloration caused by a broken blood vessel and make it possible to recover your original complexion.
Aloe vera's use in treating broken blood vessels has never been tested, but other experiments have determined that it can reduce redness in the skin. Specifically, Aloe vera has been connected to rosacea treatments and reducing skin discoloration for fairer complexions.
Aloe vera's role in treating rosacea is tied to its ability to accelerate our body's healing factor, similar to how we use collagen to repair damaged skin. The difference is that Aloe vera also mitigates irritation effects on and around the skin, reducing the signs of irritation. An internal bleed is a form of irritation, though more severe than other irritants. Nevertheless, Aloe vera can alleviate some irritation and minimize the discoloration that forms because of the injury. As we mentioned before, Aloe vera has never been tested on broken blood vessels specifically, but its corollary benefits for skin make it a viable contender for a skincare routine to manage the effects.
Option #3: Witch Hazel
There is an interesting genus of flowering plants called Hamamelis, better known by its common name "witch hazel," that has become an interesting addition to holistic skincare. Witch hazel is native to North America and Japan, with the former also going by the name "winterbloom," and has several nutrients that have made it a growing sensation. The version most commonly used in skincare (or healthcare) is Hamamelis virginiana, a variant native to North America.
One of the more interesting effects of witch hazel is that it doubles as an astringent, which are extremely powerful skincare products. Astringents are somewhat corrosive and have high pH values that allow them to eat away certain contaminants and organic matter. Despite this corrosive effect, witch hazel has been linked to treatments for a specific skin condition called spider veins. Spider veins are broken blood vessels that affect multiple tubes, causing the veins to become more pronounced in a spiderweb-like pattern.
Astringents are known for reducing pores' size and mitigating the cosmetic issues they might cause. As strange as it sounds, pores contribute to the visibility of broken blood vessels, and witch hazel can reduce their size, so the veins are less noticeable. Additionally, witch hazel is an antioxidant that reduces and prevents damage caused by free radicals contributing to broken blood vessels. Witch hazel's benefits extend to most of the skin, meaning it can be used as an all-around tool for reducing the appearance of broken blood vessels that might affect different areas of your skin.
Products with H. virginiana are considered the best for dealing with damaged or blemished skin. Unfortunately, witch hazel is still limited to reducing the symptoms of broken blood vessels rather than healing the damaged vein. Nevertheless, your veins will heal with time, and witch hazel can prevent the effects from being too obvious. Witch hazel, along with the other products listed here, can play valuable roles in your skincare routine, but you will have to find a reliable vendor for each of them.
Finding the Right Blend
Broken blood vessels can be frustrating and unsightly, especially when dealing with an advanced form like spider veins. Unfortunately, treating your veins is not simple, and you can normally only treat the symptoms and let the veins heal naturally. Nevertheless, the cosmetic consequences of broken blood vessels can be addressed with skincare tools. While the cosmetic symptoms are ultimately harmless, they can damage your self-image and warrant attention. The products we have discussed here can effectively reduce the symptoms, but the challenge lies in finding a reliable vendor.
We at Teami have always believed that natural compounds can provide greater synergy with the body's healing capacity. That is why we have dedicated ourselves to creating products that enhance your health and appearance using natural ingredients. We have a wide assortment of skincare products, many containing one or more substances outlined in this article. We encourage you to visit our website and try our products yourself. After all, finding the right blend is a Teami effort.
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