8 Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux You Can Try at Home

The human condition involves many health complications that can afflict us at some point in our lives. Sometimes, the issues we face are minor and only serve as an inconvenience at worst, while others are more severe. While these issues might seem negligible compared to major illnesses, that does not mean you should disregard them. Left untreated, even the simplest of problems can become a major health issue as it wears away at your body.
Some of these issues can sneak up on us and cause trouble before we realize it is happening, which makes them even more dangerous. One of the most common issues facing modern Americans is acid reflux.
Acid reflux is highly unpleasant and worth avoiding whenever possible. Unfortunately, modern society has become a prime breeding ground for the condition. We live in an era of fast food and processed snacks that promote gastrointestinal issues. Short of a complete lifestyle change, countering the effects of poor diet and living can be difficult.
Acid reflux is one of the lesser consequences of this lifestyle, but it can still devastate our health. Furthermore, several people are averse to employing pharmaceuticals to correct the issue. This has led some to seek alternatives produced with household ingredients. Fortunately, there are options for those looking to use natural remedies for acid reflux.
#1: Aloe Vera
For most people, aloe vera is a product reserved for treating sunburns and rehydrating the skin, making it considerably rare as a supplement for acid reflux. While this belief is understandable, it is based on a fallacy since aloe vera is one of the best tools you can use. Aloe vera is a very popular tool but its hidden abilities to address acid reflux make it even more valuable.
Aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory substance that promotes digestive health, which is important for treating acid reflux. These benefits have been corroborated by studies that have proven aloe vera can treat these symptoms. The most promising study was conducted on 79 people with acid reflux.
The subjects in the study's test group were given 150 mg of aloe vera in the morning after a fasting period and another 150 mg 30 minutes before bed. This continued for 4 weeks until the study concluded and the effects on the subjects were assessed. The results were extremely promising as the subjects in the test group showed reduced levels of all the major symptoms associated with acid reflux. This shows that aloe vera can be a powerful tool for combatting acid reflux, but it is not the only option.
#2: Marshmallow
Before you break out the Graham crackers and Hershey's, the marshmallow we are referring to is a perennial root, not the gooey treat that might have popped into your head just now. Althaea officinalis, known colloquially as marshmallow root, has been used in holistic medicine for thousands of years and persists in home remedies in modern society. Marshmallow root even sees use as an ingredient in cough syrup, one of the most commonly used pharmaceutical products in existence.
While marshmallow root has a wide range of benefits, the one we are interested in today is its ability to aid digestive health. Research has proven that marshmallow root can help with several digestive conditions, including heartburn (one of the main symptoms of acid reflux). Marshmallow root also helps with constipation, ulcers, and colic, meaning the root can help treat the symptoms of acid reflux.
Marshmallow root already sees use as a supplement for acid reflux, though few people realize it due to the name. However, adding marshmallow root supplements to your daily routine can make a great difference in the symptoms you experience from acid reflux.
#3: Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy several people have cited for many conditions and ailments. While apples are commonly consumed for health purposes, vinegar is less common due to its pungent aroma and powerful taste. Mix them, and you have a cocktail of essential vitamins and nutrients that work wonders for cleansing your body.
You might not have known that apple cider vinegar has a peculiar place in treating acid reflux. Acid reflux results from stomach acids traveling into the esophagus and causing damage, which usually means something is wrong with the esophageal sphincter. Some people do not know that acid reflux can occur when your stomach acid levels are too low.
This is where apple cider vinegar becomes a beneficial tool for resolving acid reflux. It is no secret that vinegar is an acidic ingredient that has served as the preferred salad dressing for countless people, though this is not the vinegar to which we are referring. Acetic acid, as found in apples, can promote the body's production of gastric acid, and resolve the associated acid reflux. To create apple cider vinegar, one can process a normal apple and use its acetic acid to convert it into apple vinegar that can be used to produce potable cider.
The only issue is that apple cider vinegar's benefits for treating acid reflux are limited to a specific cause. If low gastric acid levels cause your reflux, which is fairly rare, apple cider vinegar can help correct the problem. Before committing to this supplement, you should consult with your primary care physician to ascertain the cause of your acid reflux.
#4: Ginger
Ginger is perhaps one of the more popular roots available and has adorned many dishes as a garnish or palette cleanser. Ginger's dietary benefits, while pleasant, are outperformed by the underlying health benefits the root offers. One of the biggest components of acid reflux is inflammation in the esophagus caused by gastric acid.
While introducing a spicy root like ginger might seem ill-advised, ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory that can help reduce the damage caused by acid reflux. By consuming ginger, you can mitigate the painful sensations of acid reflux and give your esophagus time to heal. The real trick is figuring out how to stomach ginger since some people are sensitive to its flavor profile. We recommend ginger tea since it goes down a lot easier.
The best part about ginger is that it is extremely easy to acquire since it is sold in virtually every grocery store in the country. If acid reflux is bothering you, consider stopping at your market's produce aisle and picking up a bulb or two. You might find its anti-inflammatory properties are what you need to manage your acid reflux.
#5: Licorice
Most children scoff at the idea of having licorice as their candy of the day since it has a peculiar flavor profile. Even adults are hesitant to consume licorice products since the taste seems almost to grow more powerful as we age. For all its oddities, licorice root is one of the healthiest substances on Earth and has been refined as a supplement for several conditions.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is a variant of licorice root that has been purged of glycyrrhizin, the compound responsible for licorice's sweetness. While this arguably makes licorice harder to stomach than before, it also provides one of the healthiest variants of licorice.
DGL has been linked to treating acid reflux, thanks to a 2014 study that found that DGL promotes mucus activity. Mucus usually lines the esophagus as a layer of protection against inflammatory compounds. The problem is that the thin layer can be wiped away if too many inflammatory compounds cross the threshold. By promoting mucus activity, DGL helps the protective layer last longer as more mucus accumulates along the esophagus. Another study found that DGL is more effective than acid-suppressive pharmaceuticals.
#6: Chamomile
Chamomile is one of the most infamous plants in the world, thanks to the associated chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is renowned for its drowsing effects that, according to several television shows and cartoons, put people to sleep. The reality is far more mundane, as chamomile can help lower anxiety levels and give people the peace of mind needed to fall asleep.
While the cartoonish sedative effect is false, chamomile does have another important effect on human biology. Chamomile is a useful digestive aid that can relax the stomach and minimize nausea and vomiting. This makes chamomile a twofer since both gastrointestinal distress and stress levels can induce acid reflux.
In 2006, a series of studies found that when prepared properly, chamomile could reduce gastric acid levels. This effect can prove beneficial when dealing with acid reflux by lowering the amount of acid that can travel into the esophagus. In 2015, another study reinforced that chamomile's effects on stress helped mitigate the symptoms of stress-induced acid reflux.
#7: Eliminate Certain Foods
Treating acid reflux is not only about what you add to your daily routine but what you remove from your routine. Acid reflux is an instability of an essential acid that our stomachs use to break down food and bacteria. The balance of our biology is more fragile than we realize, and the slightest triggers could disrupt that balance. Insofar as acid reflux is concerned, several "trigger foods" could exacerbate or cause the condition. The problem is that these trigger foods are among the most common and popular worldwide.
If you want to minimize the risk of acid reflux, you should remove the following from your diet:
- Tomato-based Foods: Raw tomato, tomato sauce, etc.
- Fast Food: McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc.
- Greasy Food: Bacon, grits, etc.
- Fried Food: Fried chicken, fried vegetables, etc.
- Citrus Fruit Juices: Orange juice, lemon juice, etc.
- Soda: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, etc.
- Caffeine: Coffee, energy drinks, etc.
- Chocolate: Milk chocolate and dark chocolate.
- Garlic: Raw garlic, garlic seasoning, etc.
- Onions: Raw onion, cooked onion, etc.
- Mint: Garnishes, mint-flavored foods, etc.
- Alcohol: Beer, vodka, whiskey, etc.
These foods, as common and beloved as they are, can trigger bouts of acid reflux and exacerbate chronic conditions. While not necessarily a home remedy, removing certain items from your diet can be just as effective as supplementation. Managing your health is as much about what you stop eating as what you start eating. Additionally, these foods can contribute to other severe health issues that are best avoided.
#8: Healthy Fats
Another method for mitigating the symptoms of acid reflux is to phase out your trans-fat intake with healthy fats. Healthy fats are easy to introduce to your diet, and you likely already have consumed them without realizing it. Healthy fats can fight acid reflux by settling your stomach and energizing your body without acidic substances.
Some of the best sources of healthy fats include:
- Avocado
- Flaxseed
- Walnuts
- Olive Oil
- Sesame Oil
- Sunflower Oil
Adding these healthy fats to your diet will improve your overall health and settle your stomach. Again, this is less a home remedy and more a lifestyle change, but it can compound with the remedies outlined in this article.
Finding the Right Blend
Acid reflux is not a pleasant experience, and you should work to correct it as soon as symptoms manifest. While several common factors can cause acid reflux, we can mitigate them with several supplements. Anything listed here can be beneficial toward minimizing the impact acid reflux has on you, though we again urge you to consult with your primary care physician. This will help you identify any allergies, ascertain the cause of your acid reflux, and ensure you do not need medical treatment. If you are cleared to introduce supplements, we recommend anything listed here.
The real challenge is going to be finding a supplement you can trust.
We at Teami might be able to help with finding a supplement. Since our founding, we have believed in using natural resources to treat common health issues and restore beauty. Insofar as acid reflux is concerned, our products include our specialized Detox + Digestion, Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies for those suffering acid reflux. These gummies will provide the same effect as traditional apple cider vinegar with the convenience of a gummy and the taste of apples.
We encourage you to visit our website and check them out for yourself or see if one of our many supplements, cleansers, or teas seems more effective for you. Remember, finding the right blend is a Teami effort!
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