Diet & Tips from Fitness Model Bella Falconi

Bella Falconi started her career as fitness model in 2011. She became widely known and respected in the fitness industry after consolidating her career through social media and with her motivational seminars.
Bella shares with us how she got into the fitness industry, her diet, her training routine, what motivates her to train, and more...
1. What does your daily diet look like?
I eat healthy, but I don't really weigh my food anymore. I am pescatarian meaning I only eat fish and eggs as animal protein sources. I eat mainly complex carbs, good fats and drink lots of water too!!! I eat 6 meals a day: breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack and dinner.

2. How do you find the time to workout with a child and crazy business schedule?
I don't have time I make time. I always find a way not an excuse. If it's my priority I will make it happen. When I don't have time to hit the gym I do a functional workout at home.
3. What’s your advice for girls who want to make it in the fitness industry?
They have to be themselves at the first place. I see so many girls being everything but who they really are in order to succeed in social media. That doesn't work. People are looking for reality not fantasy. I feel like people love the thing to which they can relate. And even though they can't relate to something, if it's still "achievable", they will follow that page.
Success is not doing things for your own ego but to help others. Motivate, inspire, create some powerful and positive content. That's the secret to success. Pictures that have lots of editing and filter won't work. At least that's how I feel. Be natural - that's how I feel about social media success.

4. What are your best 3 tips for someone looking to get the perfect fit body?
- Love yourself and respect your genetics. Don't try to change it but just to improve it within the achievable.
- You are not her or him so stop comparing yourself to others. Comparing won't help you at all.
- Eat clean and train constantly. It's not a project - it's a lifestyle!!
5. What motivates you to train?
The results I have achieved in the last years and my passion for life. The healthier I am the longer I will live. So I choose to take care of myself. I want to enjoy life and not just exist. For that to happen I need my health to be up to date. Otherwise this perfect machine called human body will just start malfunctioning and that's the last thing I want for myself. My baby needs her mom healthy. And if I can be an example, I want to be an outstanding one!

6. How did you get involved into fitness?
It started from 5 kidney stones and high cholesterol. I had two choices, either to suffer or to live healthily. I chose Health over health problems, junk food and low self esteem. That was when I started training and eating clean.
7. What’s an average day like for you?
I wake up and pray. That's the first thing I do in the day. After that I have my breakfast with my baby, I respond to some emails, check my messages and then I go out to the gym. I come back home and start working in the computer until late afternoon. Then I play with my baby and give her dinner until it's bed time. When she sleeps i go back to the computer and work a little more!!
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